CV Tim de Jonge, PhD
Director Winket
Consultant: Life Cycle Costs, Housing Economics, Eco Costs.
Doctor in Housing and Architecture.
Member of NVBK, EcoQuaestor
Delft University of Technology; Housing and Architecture
PhD thesis: “Cost effectiveness of sustainable housing investments”
Work Experience:
1974 - 1975
Openbare werken Woerden
1976 - 1986
Bouwcentrum Rotterdam
1986 - 2009
(Founder) bouwkostenadviesbureau Winket voor de bouw, consultancy on construction costs
1996 - 2006
Delft University of Technology, department Architecture: senior lecturer on construction and utility costs
Director Winket bv | consultancy for housing economics, construction costst and specifications.
HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht college lecturer / researcher in the framework of project “Beyond the Current”
Additional functions
1993 - 1997
Member of the board of the NVBK (Dutch association of construction costs surveyors)
1996 - 1998
Member of the editorial staff of the journal Bouwmarkt
1998 - 2010
Member of the editorial staff of the journal Bouwkostenkunde & Huisvestingseconomie (Construction costs and Housing economics)
1999 - 2006
Treasurer of the executive committee of Forum voor Huisvesting (Forum for Housing)
2005 - 2012
Chairman Admittance committee NVBK (Dutch association of construction costs surveyors)
Member NEN committee 351 202 02 Kostenclassificatie van onroerende zaken (Classification of costs in real estate)
Representative for NVBK (Dutch association of construction costs surveyors) in CEEC
2011 - 2012
Chairman of the workgroup Cost Supervision Sustainable Building of the NVBK (Dutch association of construction costs surveyors)
President Cooperation for Construction Project Economics (Coöperatie Bouwprojecteconomie & EcoQuaestor)
Chairman NEN committee 351 202 02 Kostenclassificatie van onroerende zaken (Classification of costs in real estate) (NEN 2699)
Delegate in ICMS on behalf of NVBK (Dutch association of construction costs surveyors)